Saturday, August 13, 2016

I'm a "Chicken Person"

If you haven't seen The Meddler, see it!!!!

The main male character says he's a "Chicken Person.... like some people are cat or dog people, He's a Chicken Person."

And who would've guessed.  I am too.


Our Orpingtons are gorgeous, funny birds.  One of them came with a tag on her from her previous owner. And I noticed yesterday that it was cutting into her leg.  We decided to cut it off.  And in the process, it cut into her :-(  Chickens can be terrible to eachother.  And a bleeding limb can be disasterous.  So, when it bled, we doctored it.  It now has neosporin and a Minions bandaid on it so it can heal with out being exacerbated.

And she's so funny hopping around the yard with her bandaid on.  It hasn't been bothered with it or anything. <3

Then, One of our younger Chickens was being chased by the bigger ones.  And she FLEW.  Not jumped, FLEW out of the chicken run into the playhouse in our backyard.


  1. I have an awesome mental picture of the chicken sporting the minions bandaid! Lol too funny.

  2. A Minions chicken. Now for some reason that makes me laugh. Poor thing.
